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5 : 0), step, ed, total); } else if (type == 'counter') { skills_counter(start, stop, speed - 5, step, ed, total); } else if (type == 'pie') { var steps = parseInt(total.data('steps')); var color = total.data('color'); var easing = total.data('easing'); skills_counter(start, stop, Math.round(1500/steps), step, ed, total); var options = { segmentShowStroke: true, segmentStrokeColor: "#fff", percentageInnerCutout: 90, animationSteps: steps, animationEasing: easing, animateRotate: true, animateScale: false, }; var pieData = [{ value: stopPercent, color: color }, { value: 100 - stopPercent, color: "#E5F1FB" }]; var canvas = skillsItem.find('canvas'); canvas.attr({width: skillsItem.width(), height: skillsItem.width()}).css({width: skillsItem.width(), height: skillsItem.height()}); var pie = new Chart(canvas.get(0).getContext("2d")).Doughnut(pieData, options); } } }); } //skills counter animation function skills_counter(start, stop, speed, step, ed, total) { total.html(''+start+ed+''); start = Math.min(stop, start + step); if (start 180), 1, x, y]]; return { path: path, stroke: color } } arc.find('.sc_skills_data').find('.arc').each(function(i){ var t = jQuery(this), color = t.find('.color').val(), value = t.find('.percent').val(), text = t.find('.text').text(); rad += Math.round(w/15); var z = r.path().attr({ arc: [value, color, rad], 'stroke-width': Math.round(w/45) }); z.mouseover(function(){ this.animate({ 'stroke-width': Math.round(w/9), opacity: .75 }, 1000, 'elastic'); if (Raphael.type != 'VML') //solves IE problem this.toFront(); title.stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, speed, '>', function(){ this.attr({ text: (text ? text + '\n' : '') + value + '%' }).animate({ opacity: 1 }, speed, '', function(){ title.attr({ text: THEMEREX_SC_SKILLS }).animate({ opacity: 1 }, speed, ' h ? ( h/w ) : 1 ), y = ( coordinates.y - $el.offset().top - ( h/2 )) * ( h > w ? ( w/h ) : 1 ), // the angle and the direction from where the mouse came in/went out clockwise (TRBL=0123); // first calculate the angle of the point, // add 180 deg to get rid of the negative values // divide by 90 to get the quadrant // add 3 and do a modulo by 4 to shift the quadrants to a proper clockwise TRBL (top/right/bottom/left) **/ direction = Math.round( ( ( ( Math.atan2(y, x) * (180 / Math.PI) ) + 180 ) / 90 ) + 3 ) % 4; return direction; }, _getStyle : function( direction ) { var fromStyle, toStyle, slideFromTop = { left : '0px', top : '-100%' }, slideFromBottom = { left : '0px', top : '100%' }, slideFromLeft = { left : '-100%', top : '0px' }, slideFromRight = { left : '100%', top : '0px' }, slideTop = { top : '0px' }, slideLeft = { left : '0px' }; switch( direction ) { case 0: // from top fromStyle = !this.options.inverse ? slideFromTop : slideFromBottom; toStyle = slideTop; break; case 1: // from right fromStyle = !this.options.inverse ? slideFromRight : slideFromLeft; toStyle = slideLeft; break; case 2: // from bottom fromStyle = !this.options.inverse ? slideFromBottom : slideFromTop; toStyle = slideTop; break; case 3: // from left fromStyle = !this.options.inverse ? slideFromLeft : slideFromRight; toStyle = slideLeft; break; }; return { from : fromStyle, to : toStyle }; }, // apply a transition or fallback to jquery animate based on Modernizr.csstransitions support _applyAnimation : function( el, styleCSS, speed ) { $.fn.applyStyle = this.support ? $.fn.css : $.fn.animate; el.stop().applyStyle( styleCSS, $.extend( true, [], { duration : speed + 'ms' } ) ); }, }; var logError = function( message ) { if ( window.console ) { window.console.error( message ); } }; $.fn.hoverdir = function( options ) { var instance = $.data( this, 'hoverdir' ); if ( typeof options === 'string' ) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ); this.each(function() { if ( !instance ) { logError( "cannot call methods on hoverdir prior to initialization; " + "attempted to call method '" + options + "'" ); return; } if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) || options.charAt(0) === "_" ) { logError( "no such method '" + options + "' for hoverdir instance" ); return; } instance[ options ].apply( instance, args ); }); } else { this.each(function() { if ( instance ) { instance._init(); } else { instance = $.data( this, 'hoverdir', new $.HoverDir( options, this ) ); } }); } return instance; }; } )( jQuery, window ); /** * hoverIntent is similar to jQuery's built-in "hover" method except that * instead of firing the handlerIn function immediately, hoverIntent checks * to see if the user's mouse has slowed down (beneath the sensitivity * threshold) before firing the event. The handlerOut function is only * called after a matching handlerIn. * * hoverIntent r7 // 2013.03.11 // jQuery 1.9.1+ * http://cherne.net/brian/resources/jquery.hoverIntent.html * * You may use hoverIntent under the terms of the MIT license. Basically that * means you are free to use hoverIntent as long as this header is left intact. * Copyright 2007, 2013 Brian Cherne * * // basic usage ... just like .hover() * .hoverIntent( handlerIn, handlerOut ) * .hoverIntent( handlerInOut ) * * // basic usage ... with event delegation! * .hoverIntent( handlerIn, handlerOut, selector ) * .hoverIntent( handlerInOut, selector ) * * // using a basic configuration object * .hoverIntent( config ) * * @param handlerIn function OR configuration object * @param handlerOut function OR selector for delegation OR undefined * @param selector selector OR undefined * @author Brian Cherne **/ (function($) { $.fn.hoverIntent = function(handlerIn,handlerOut,selector) { // default configuration values var cfg = { interval: 100, sensitivity: 7, timeout: 0 }; if ( typeof handlerIn === "object" ) { cfg = $.extend(cfg, handlerIn ); } else if ($.isFunction(handlerOut)) { cfg = $.extend(cfg, { over: handlerIn, out: handlerOut, selector: selector } ); } else { cfg = $.extend(cfg, { over: handlerIn, out: handlerIn, selector: handlerOut } ); } // instantiate variables // cX, cY = current X and Y position of mouse, updated by mousemove event // pX, pY = previous X and Y position of mouse, set by mouseover and polling interval var cX, cY, pX, pY; // A private function for getting mouse position var track = function(ev) { cX = ev.pageX; cY = ev.pageY; }; // A private function for comparing current and previous mouse position var compare = function(ev,ob) { ob.hoverIntent_t = clearTimeout(ob.hoverIntent_t); // compare mouse positions to see if they've crossed the threshold if ( ( Math.abs(pX-cX) + Math.abs(pY-cY) ) $().plugin('option', {...}) * @param {Function} PluginClass - constructor class */ function addOptionMethod( PluginClass ) { // don't overwrite original option method if ( PluginClass.prototype.option ) { return; } // option setter PluginClass.prototype.option = function( opts ) { // bail out if not an object if ( !$.isPlainObject( opts ) ){ return; } this.options = $.extend( true, this.options, opts ); }; } // -------------------------- plugin bridge -------------------------- // // helper function for logging errors // $.error breaks jQuery chaining var logError = typeof console === 'undefined' ? noop : function( message ) { console.error( message ); }; /** * jQuery plugin bridge, access methods like $elem.plugin('method') * @param {String} namespace - plugin name * @param {Function} PluginClass - constructor class */ function bridge( namespace, PluginClass ) { // add to jQuery fn namespace $.fn[ namespace ] = function( options ) { if ( typeof options === 'string' ) { // call plugin method when first argument is a string // get arguments for method var args = slice.call( arguments, 1 ); for ( var i=0, len = this.length; i get element from selector string, & get size of element * if option is Element -> get size of element * else use option as a number * * @param {String} measurement * @param {String} size - width or height * @private */ Outlayer.prototype._getMeasurement = function( measurement, size ) { var option = this.options[ measurement ]; var elem; if ( !option ) { // default to 0 this[ measurement ] = 0; } else { // use option as an element if ( typeof option === 'string' ) { elem = this.element.querySelector( option ); } else if ( isElement( option ) ) { elem = option; } // use size of element, if element this[ measurement ] = elem ? getSize( elem )[ size ] : option; } }; /** * layout a collection of item elements * @api public */ Outlayer.prototype.layoutItems = function( items, isInstant ) { items = this._getItemsForLayout( items ); this._layoutItems( items, isInstant ); this._postLayout(); }; /** * get the items to be laid out * you may want to skip over some items * @param {Array} items * @returns {Array} items */ Outlayer.prototype._getItemsForLayout = function( items ) { var layoutItems = []; for ( var i=0, len = items.length; i onresize Outlayer.prototype.handleEvent = function( event ) { var method = 'on' + event.type; if ( this[ method ] ) { this[ method ]( event ); } }; /** * Bind layout to window resizing */ Outlayer.prototype.bindResize = function() { // bind just one listener if ( this.isResizeBound ) { return; } eventie.bind( window, 'resize', this ); this.isResizeBound = true; }; /** * Unbind layout to window resizing */ Outlayer.prototype.unbindResize = function() { if ( this.isResizeBound ) { eventie.unbind( window, 'resize', this ); } this.isResizeBound = false; }; // original debounce by John Hann // http://unscriptable.com/index.php/2009/03/20/debouncing-javascript-methods/ // this fires every resize Outlayer.prototype.onresize = function() { if ( this.resizeTimeout ) { clearTimeout( this.resizeTimeout ); } var _this = this; function delayed() { _this.resize(); delete _this.resizeTimeout; } this.resizeTimeout = setTimeout( delayed, 100 ); }; // debounced, layout on resize Outlayer.prototype.resize = function() { // don't trigger if size did not change // or if resize was unbound. See #9 if ( !this.isResizeBound || !this.needsResizeLayout() ) { return; } this.layout(); }; /** * check if layout is needed post layout * @returns Boolean */ Outlayer.prototype.needsResizeLayout = function() { var size = getSize( this.element ); // check that this.size and size are there // IE8 triggers resize on body size change, so they might not be var hasSizes = this.size && size; return hasSizes && size.innerWidth !== this.size.innerWidth; }; // -------------------------- methods -------------------------- // /** * add items to Outlayer instance * @param {Array or NodeList or Element} elems * @returns {Array} items - Outlayer.Items **/ Outlayer.prototype.addItems = function( elems ) { var items = this._itemize( elems ); // add items to collection if ( items.length ) { this.items = this.items.concat( items ); } return items; }; /** * Layout newly-appended item elements * @param {Array or NodeList or Element} elems */ Outlayer.prototype.appended = function( elems ) { var items = this.addItems( elems ); if ( !items.length ) { return; } // layout and reveal just the new items this.layoutItems( items, true ); this.reveal( items ); }; /** * Layout prepended elements * @param {Array or NodeList or Element} elems */ Outlayer.prototype.prepended = function( elems ) { var items = this._itemize( elems ); if ( !items.length ) { return; } // add items to beginning of collection var previousItems = this.items.slice(0); this.items = items.concat( previousItems ); // start new layout this._resetLayout(); this._manageStamps(); // layout new stuff without transition this.layoutItems( items, true ); this.reveal( items ); // layout previous items this.layoutItems( previousItems ); }; /** * reveal a collection of items * @param {Array of Outlayer.Items} items */ Outlayer.prototype.reveal = function( items ) { var len = items && items.length; if ( !len ) { return; } for ( var i=0; i containerWidth ) { this.x = 0; this.y = this.maxY; } var position = { x: this.x, y: this.y }; this.maxY = Math.max( this.maxY, this.y + item.size.outerHeight ); this.x += itemWidth; return position; }; FitRows.prototype._getContainerSize = function() { return { height: this.maxY }; }; return FitRows; } if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) { // AMD define( 'isotope/js/layout-modes/fit-rows',[ '../layout-mode' ], fitRowsDefinition ); } else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) { // CommonJS module.exports = fitRowsDefinition( require('../layout-mode') ); } else { // browser global fitRowsDefinition( window.Isotope.LayoutMode ); } })( window ); ( function( window ) { function verticalDefinition( LayoutMode ) { var Vertical = LayoutMode.create( 'vertical', { horizontalAlignment: 0 }); Vertical.prototype._resetLayout = function() { this.y = 0; }; Vertical.prototype._getItemLayoutPosition = function( item ) { item.getSize(); var x = ( this.isotope.size.innerWidth - item.size.outerWidth ) * this.options.horizontalAlignment; var y = this.y; this.y += item.size.outerHeight; return { x: x, y: y }; }; Vertical.prototype._getContainerSize = function() { return { height: this.y }; }; return Vertical; } if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) { // AMD define( 'isotope/js/layout-modes/vertical',[ '../layout-mode' ], verticalDefinition ); } else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) { // CommonJS module.exports = verticalDefinition( require('../layout-mode') ); } else { // browser global verticalDefinition( window.Isotope.LayoutMode ); } })( window ); /*! * Isotope v2.1.0 * Filter & sort magical layouts * http://isotope.metafizzy.co */ ( function( window ) { // -------------------------- vars -------------------------- // var jQuery = window.jQuery; // -------------------------- helpers -------------------------- // // extend objects function extend( a, b ) { for ( var prop in b ) { a[ prop ] = b[ prop ]; } return a; } var trim = String.prototype.trim ? function( str ) { return str.trim(); } : function( str ) { return str.replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, '' ); }; var docElem = document.documentElement; var getText = docElem.textContent ? function( elem ) { return elem.textContent; } : function( elem ) { return elem.innerText; }; var objToString = Object.prototype.toString; function isArray( obj ) { return objToString.call( obj ) === '[object Array]'; } // index of helper cause IE8 var indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf ? function( ary, obj ) { return ary.indexOf( obj ); } : function( ary, obj ) { for ( var i=0, len = ary.length; i b || a b ? 1 : -1 ) * direction; } } return 0; }; } // -------------------------- methods -------------------------- // // get layout mode Isotope.prototype._mode = function() { var layoutMode = this.options.layoutMode; var mode = this.modes[ layoutMode ]; if ( !mode ) { // TODO console.error throw new Error( 'No layout mode: ' + layoutMode ); } // HACK sync mode's options // any options set after init for layout mode need to be synced mode.options = this.options[ layoutMode ]; return mode; }; Isotope.prototype._resetLayout = function() { // trigger original reset layout Outlayer.prototype._resetLayout.call( this ); this._mode()._resetLayout(); }; Isotope.prototype._getItemLayoutPosition = function( item ) { return this._mode()._getItemLayoutPosition( item ); }; Isotope.prototype._manageStamp = function( stamp ) { this._mode()._manageStamp( stamp ); }; Isotope.prototype._getContainerSize = function() { return this._mode()._getContainerSize(); }; Isotope.prototype.needsResizeLayout = function() { return this._mode().needsResizeLayout(); }; // -------------------------- adding & removing -------------------------- // // HEADS UP overwrites default Outlayer appended Isotope.prototype.appended = function( elems ) { var items = this.addItems( elems ); if ( !items.length ) { return; } var filteredItems = this._filterRevealAdded( items ); // add to filteredItems this.filteredItems = this.filteredItems.concat( filteredItems ); }; // HEADS UP overwrites default Outlayer prepended Isotope.prototype.prepended = function( elems ) { var items = this._itemize( elems ); if ( !items.length ) { return; } // add items to beginning of collection var previousItems = this.items.slice(0); this.items = items.concat( previousItems ); // start new layout this._resetLayout(); this._manageStamps(); // layout new stuff without transition var filteredItems = this._filterRevealAdded( items ); // layout previous items this.layoutItems( previousItems ); // add to filteredItems this.filteredItems = filteredItems.concat( this.filteredItems ); }; Isotope.prototype._filterRevealAdded = function( items ) { var filteredItems = this._noTransition( function() { return this._filter( items ); }); // layout and reveal just the new items this.layoutItems( filteredItems, true ); this.reveal( filteredItems ); return items; }; /** * Filter, sort, and layout newly-appended item elements * @param {Array or NodeList or Element} elems */ Isotope.prototype.insert = function( elems ) { var items = this.addItems( elems ); if ( !items.length ) { return; } // append item elements var i, item; var len = items.length; for ( i=0; i =0?o:t,w=t,e(),x=!0,top!=self)y=!0;else if(r>n&&(t.offsetHeight1&&(i=Math.min(i,v.accelerationMax),t*=i,o*=i)}C=+new Date}if(M.push({x:t,y:o,lastX:0>t?.99:-.99,lastY:0>o?.99:-.99,start:+new Date}),!T){var l=e===document.body,u=function(){for(var r=+new Date,a=0,i=0,c=0;c=v.animationTime,h=f?1:d/v.animationTime;v.pulseAlgorithm&&(h=p(h));var m=s.x*h-s.lastX>>0,w=s.y*h-s.lastY>>0;a+=m,i+=w,s.lastX+=m,s.lastY+=w,f&&(M.splice(c,1),c--)}l?window.scrollBy(a,i):(a&&(e.scrollLeft+=a),i&&(e.scrollTop+=i)),t||o||(M=[]),M.length?E(u,e,n/v.frameRate+1):T=!1};E(u,e,0),T=!0}}function n(e){x||t();var n=e.target,r=l(n);if(!r||e.defaultPrevented||s(w,"embed")||s(n,"embed")&&/\.pdf/i.test(n.src))return!0;var a=e.wheelDeltaX||0,i=e.wheelDeltaY||0;return a||i||(i=e.wheelDelta||0),!v.touchpadSupport&&f(i)?!0:(Math.abs(a)>1.2&&(a*=v.stepSize/120),Math.abs(i)>1.2&&(i*=v.stepSize/120),o(r,-a,-i),void e.preventDefault())}function r(e){var t=e.target,n=e.ctrlKey||e.altKey||e.metaKey||e.shiftKey&&e.keyCode!==H.spacebar;if(/input|textarea|select|embed/i.test(t.nodeName)||t.isContentEditable||e.defaultPrevented||n)return!0;if(s(t,"button")&&e.keyCode===H.spacebar)return!0;var r,a=0,i=0,u=l(w),c=u.clientHeight;switch(u==document.body&&(c=window.innerHeight),e.keyCode){case H.up:i=-v.arrowScroll;break;case H.down:i=v.arrowScroll;break;case H.spacebar:r=e.shiftKey?1:-1,i=-r*c*.9;break;case H.pageup:i=.9*-c;break;case H.pagedown:i=.9*c;break;case H.home:i=-u.scrollTop;break;case H.end:var d=u.scrollHeight-u.scrollTop-c;i=d>0?d+10:0;break;case H.left:a=-v.arrowScroll;break;case H.right:a=v.arrowScroll;break;default:return!0}o(u,a,i),e.preventDefault()}function a(e){w=e.target}function i(e,t){for(var o=e.length;o--;)z[N(e[o])]=t;return t}function l(e){var t=[],o=S.scrollHeight;do{var n=z[N(e)];if(n)return i(t,n);if(t.push(e),o===e.scrollHeight){if(!y||S.clientHeight+100?1:-1,t=t>0?1:-1,(k.x!==e||k.y!==t)&&(k.x=e,k.y=t,M=[],C=0)}function f(e){if(e){e=Math.abs(e),D.push(e),D.shift(),clearTimeout(A);var t=D[0]==D[1]&&D[1]==D[2],o=h(D[0],120)&&h(D[1],120)&&h(D[2],120);return!(t||o)}}function h(e,t){return Math.floor(e/t)==e/t}function m(e){var t,o,n;return e*=v.pulseScale,1>e?t=e-(1-Math.exp(-e)):(o=Math.exp(-1),e-=1,n=1-Math.exp(-e),t=o+n*(1-o)),t*v.pulseNormalize}function p(e){return e>=1?1:0>=e?0:(1==v.pulseNormalize&&(v.pulseNormalize/=m(1)),m(e))}var w,g={frameRate:150,animationTime:800,stepSize:120,pulseAlgorithm:!0,pulseScale:8,pulseNormalize:1,accelerationDelta:20,accelerationMax:1,keyboardSupport:!0,arrowScroll:50,touchpadSupport:!0,fixedBackground:!0,excluded:""},v=g,b=!1,y=!1,k={x:0,y:0},x=!1,S=document.documentElement,D=[120,120,120],H={left:37,up:38,right:39,down:40,spacebar:32,pageup:33,pagedown:34,end:35,home:36},v=g,M=[],T=!1,C=+new Date,z={};setInterval(function(){z={}},1e4);var A,N=function(){var e=0;return function(t){return t.uniqueID||(t.uniqueID=e++)}}(),E=function(){return window.requestAnimationFrame||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||function(e,t,o){window.setTimeout(e,o||1e3/60)}}(),K=/chrome/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent),L="onmousewheel"in document;L&&K&&(u("mousedown",a),u("mousewheel",n),u("load",t))}(); 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